bob dylan stepped offstage in denver just in time for the band to play us to sleep

Friday, May 24, 2002

ode to drift

with your fire quenched and your breath anesthetic
say a short hollow prayer
and give yourself over to drift

walk on splinters, shivering boy
vintage corduroy sun stripped and livid
your jonny walker rebel with shoes disconnected
from a dirt road, a specter on middle america

you play spanish guitar for heathens in the suburbs
drunken notes too soft to matter much
nylon strings wrapped around your wrists, purple hands
strung from an absestos ceiling for the evening

walk on broken bottles, mystery fiend
and prove your calloused feet, a rhyme and a disembodied melody
you murder down the coast a tramp steamer

with your lost sheep countenance, sad tantrum eyes
dust from the east still communing in your frenzy hair
fugitive from your shadow, scripture, cling to your feet
dead weight
you've mastered the music of the lonesome sigh
a symphony of disparate static and found speaking

captured american on a tape loop number nine
with the broken toe of your boot
scrawled the name of the father in the desolation of the desert
in the red dust of Arizona, you rest your aching fingers
posted by Shaun Minus 9:13 AM

Thursday, May 23, 2002

Leaves Missing

In the quick of May, elliptical climate
looks over her shoulder at autumn
slightly refracted by winter, of course

daring plinks on the piano in the upper register
are the bits of stems from oblivious trees
and when I sleep I dream and when I dream
I meet the silly id of the trees in winter
who frequent still slumbering eyes when cold gets coming

but I always remember the fall slanted
and there is an argument and
a three day darkness
in which our mouths are sealed by indifference

meanwhile, my body tosses on my covers waters

when we meet again in waking life
spring and such
trees become debutantes and ungrateful royals

but I knew them when
they were afraid and bewildered, leaves missing
naked and scrambling for sleep
taking refuge in my imagination
posted by Shaun Minus 11:26 PM

Thursday, May 16, 2002

There's a hole in the roof for sunsets
and after that, for stars
The tips of my fingers escape
from distance
from drift
from pop radio and Heiligen Schrift
into the open evening playing hearts with the wind
and laughing at me from outside the car.

posted by Shaun Minus 9:42 PM

Monday, May 13, 2002

dee kennedy on a sunday

i never run down fence anymore

what with the swarms of police sirens and provoked animals
i mapped a path the other way two o'clock pm
and walked a spring/summer continent, wasting essence in an
abandoned cul-de-sac, then i rested
on a precariously balanced diamond of earth,

forgotten aquaintences passing with nary a wave
my fluids freely flowing into my old
high-school book bag
holding a hundred years of eighth and quarter notes
which stubbornly refuse to bleed together

i found a slope recently paved and a bovine congregation
thirty or so under one rather reluctant pine, fear struck

i felt flesh vaporize in my shoes, paths that wandered
up hills and behind gates, sending sure breazes as

there was tangled screaming nerves
where my legs once were, a total absence of cloud

doom guitar and piano, slow motion music if you like

i turned mercury and slid
down the rollercoaster where the road once was
an albino cow bathing in a pond of mildew, looked over and
through me

collapsed on the phillips' porch with my tongue
held a quiet communion with vicious insects, dirty pillows
i murmured my defiant lament, though i'd come so far

only to have serpentine roads
defeat me

posted by Shaun Minus 10:41 PM


Requiem for a Lost Poem

piano: minor chords, fifths
low soft moan by a neon skeleton guy
paper sounds, shuffling and such
heavy eyes half past anger
lamentation piece for alto sax and clarinet
rusty pipes
closely mic'd trembling lips, traces of hymn
politely borrowed from God and given over
to the thoughtful fallen soldier, words about
a restful moment
a portrait of a portal in a dirty bedroom
some damn wistful arpeggio right in the middle
of a solemn reprise, unsolicited smirk
posted by Shaun Minus 9:52 PM

Sunday, May 12, 2002

punk rock (preliminary sketches)

a prayer for you, sleeping embryo
when you
tear through the womb
and ride the entrails through the streets
via acid rockets madmen
violins kick in
your God-stained lullaby
heavy diapers on the mandolin
you wave to
the spirits like stars
black eyes so far apart

you do
the math in your head
samples the waste tenement culture
then take a lover
and correspond skyscrapers
you hover umbilical intents
inside the baby's brain of flames
skipping like
stoves across the water
you will one day grow up to be volcano with fingers for knives saints alive

but these are just
head reels tomorrow
and further on
piano crash ushers in the bomb
from the guts you explode
to the ones you hang on
the forest and the city like some
sorry stray twig of spit from a former kiss
fair and thin
where the walls can't reach you
my trembling
baby bomb remember
soft kerosene notes
like Coltrane down the hall
I fancy your love for flame I do
were it to consume me too
Din silence
from the open womb
not unlike horns in the ghetto
inebriated embryo
swaggers into gas station restroom to look into a
broke mirror

posted by Shaun Minus 11:10 PM


Ballad Between Women

I faintly remember you June 18 1994 for stripping flowers of their oblivion and furrow brow. And high pitch violin swells temper. We have it on VHS wrapped around the door frames so you will not have forgotten, long shattered

and weak from days of drinking and commentary. In vogue painted fingernails cum colored, and also in the airport. It's moments like these the gruel and acid won't go down, the ricochets in the stomach that I keep dodging. She is you and you weren't

around in 94 when I peeled the sleep from my eyes between screams and languid sighs, crushd for a girl who returns my yawns across an expance, yes she does or did she? My, how the mind wanders erect and ums and ohs, for at least the sake of signal. I would have her eyes bouncing radio apostrophes off my bed, where she was already

in your coccoon with pencil wings awaiting ink and color little girl, hiding from my machine mouth. I scarred so easy at sounds not unlike paper cuts and paper planes and pain, before I learned to shrug it off. Into pixels and solid state and tragic static transmissions I hope she got I hope you get. This life begs for cold and winter wishes it was now and June wishes you were her, foolish object of my tragic affection.

posted by Shaun Minus 11:04 PM


teeth on teeth

By the river person you look like longing
fingers hooked into feeble strings of flesh
with the faraway sounds of a water made of bodies
trace with your fingers its path past the city
into and under a rock dancing with anticipation
He and his with a cold numbness that comes
with a swim through the prison, mach schnell
and you and he shivering
in the same photograph as double exposures
teeth on teeth
his rotten hat komes spinning from his skull
like klay pidgeons you neglekted to mention
In an effort to understand the cold that comes
from wind and sun
he took his myriad bouncing soul expedition
and boarded a stiff breeze bound for Mogadishu
along with you dull cramps and his precious whiskey hat
yellow molars echoing a skraping sigh
posted by Shaun Minus 11:02 PM


untitled, notable for its progression of time

10:36 PM wild flowers protected
between the fury of the highway
hands pressed to the screen to touch
white noise, trumpets and bells
percolating brown eyes dialating
confusion as a warm comforter
just off to the side a bent figure
awaiting headlights

10:40 PM the digital reverb of jazz
classics clashes with the contemporary
sounds of sprawl, the cliche
of modern crisis and the cringe
of country western

amid waves distortion laden
and guilt surpressed there are
speedboats adrift with sabotage
with cops and soap operas and
razor thin streets cutting a swift
kick through Cabbage Town

10:45 PM more nicks that don't
make sense
crosseyed denizens of midnight world
sit craving embrace and hating the hug
one of those where you stretch your arms
wide and lightly pat across the back
so as to not connect

10:47 PM a hum from under the door
american standards on scratched 45's
a listless vacant silence made in
a startling resemblance
in black and white
mourning the stillborn in his arms

between two electric lights
the same dull exchange, lead eyelids
sleeping limbs under the pillow, between
shallow breaths and rattling cages
modern restless man dodging shafts of
streetlight from the open window

posted by Shaun Minus 10:56 PM


don't reach the small
where the itches and burn is
I look around
for another set of fingers

posted by Shaun Minus 2:48 PM

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